white milk
the monk with the hot spunkk!!!

Joined on 2/8/21

Exp Points:
2,612 / 2,840
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Vote Power:
5.78 votes
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3m 2d

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UPDATE #3 !!!!

okay i got some shiz to talk about and i got some school work to do so I am going to just dump my brain into a news post for everything you might like to hear about that's been happening the past months and what MIGHT be happening in the future !



LOL WTF is this dumb shit game??? Was probably the reaction of every infant that played my game but let me explain myself !! I was in the NGP Discord Server when it had gotten hacked by some dumb russian assholes or somethin !

New servers were made for all the users to talk while the server was getting sorted out, a throwaway comment about a Creepypasta Collab turned into a REAL THING ! Somehow I became a host, where I would spend the next month constantly checking the submissions of movies, audio and of course artworks !


It was super fun and there were so much amazing shiz that came out of it. I had felt like i needed to submit something and since nobody seemed to be making a game I took it into my grubby little hands to make one !! Its just a funny little parody of those EXE games you see on gamejolt. It was the first time I got others to help, luckil they were very cool and cooperative. Go support the lovely Icy64, lyaturni and BracedYeti (they don't got a NG YET !!!) who provided some amazing artwork !

The game was super simple but ate up a surprisingly large amount of my time so if you were wondering what i have been doing its been that lol. While I am at it I just wanted to thank all the babes on that collab, squide, Dryest, rebeccadoodles, TechnoCookie helped make this shiz possible and i can't thank them enough for there dedication to the entire project. Hope yall doin fine :)

Go support those legends, and while your at it go check out some of the submissions that tickled my fancy !! They are really funny and I love them and they need/deserve every 5 star review you got !!

This seriously doesn't do the whole thing justice, if you wanna check out more use the ngcreepypasta2022 tag !


If you have checked out PICO.EXE or even SR PELO ABUSE you might see that we finally have FUCKING MEDALS !

its been something I have finally implemented, thanks to the rad freaks on the NG API server I have added dumb ass medals for everything !! Anything that comes out now will just have medals on its first submission since i know how to do it now hehe. So if you want to rep the cool shiz medals go play them !!!

(oh and if you want those secret medals input the words 'pork' or 'gray')


I am a super slow fucker, slowly and steadily been working on stuff, no real excuse for it lol just haven't been doing it consistently which is really my fault. Its hard to say if anything will come out for PICO Day even tho its so far away but either way I should pump something out SOON, its a real busy semester and I am not a very organised person so it has been a struggle !!!! I will leave it there before I promise some dumbshit



Man I am tired, and that means nothing !! I still got stuff to do, you still have to do stuff so stop giving shit and go like eat a sandwich and go WORK ASSHOLES.

and have a great day :)


Recent Game Medals

3,700 Points

Start The Game 5 Points

Play the game?

Tankmas Brunt 5 Points

Complete the song as DD!

250 Clicks 10 Points

250 deaths

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Mass Muderer 25 Points

Kill everyone in springfield

Park with Quimby 10 Points

Get 3 stars at the Park with Quimby

Frink's lab 10 Points

Get 3 stars at Frink's Lab

Quad Killer 10 Points

Kill each member of the Flanders super fast!

Beginning 10 Points

Get 3 stars at the beginning

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!