this shit is so metal !!!
you made the bot look so flashy and charminggggggggggggggggg
another dub for the brandman drawz community !!!
this shit is so metal !!!
you made the bot look so flashy and charminggggggggggggggggg
another dub for the brandman drawz community !!!
its so fucking cute wtf !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what a funkhead of a girl LOL !!!
very good girl line art and shading !!!!
and holy shit someone drew an awesome pose and hair !!!!!!
plus you can see her nails... we need to see more nails in drawings !!!
tldr; very friday artpiece
wait you drew this???
this actually rocks.... like the detailed knife contrasting ghostface is really visually appealing and interesting
and the way you shaded it all was really awesome!!!
just kinda wished we had a nicer background then the white void but honestly this rocks brother !!!
I didn't know what background to put that drawing on, I wanted it to be for the Newgrounds Halloween contest, but thanks for the support anyway
you make these twerps so fucking cool !!!!!
i love... PICO !!!
wtf !!!
this gotta be my favourite tankmas piece to come out !!!!!!!!!
every characters exudes the best of there character here !!!
the way its shot also makes it look the whole scene so lively.
and i mean this style is so fucking good. perfect for the cozy christmas season.
thanks so much man! it means a lot to hear this, it’s exactly what I was going for !!
have a merry christmas :]
lol this is so cute imagine if something like this was real XD
this piece illustrates how much attention and detail is given to every colour.
Its detailed as always but the use of warm red colours is impressive af
The blood in this picture acts like paint, instead of just red on some white floor, it uses lighting and depth and tones to give the floor this gradient type thing !?!! It perfectly and seamlessly fits with how the shelfs and bottles share that warm colour. It keeps the colour palette static yet visually interesting !!
The green also on the uniforms also really compliments the red, instead of contrasting it. Which adds upon the drawings narrative, of the characters hiding. The characters look natural in the environment, like they are trying to blend in to hide from something, like camouflaged??? and its as morbid and cutesy and detailed as always !!!!
I LOVE IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Eee Thank you so much!! I spent hours trying to get the colors right so this means a lot <3
ahhhhhhhhhhhhh gitarooooo maaaaann
white milk
the monk with the hot spunkk!!!
Joined on 2/8/21